Judges Education


Norwich Terrier (Vsn: July 2015) 


General Appearance.

The Norwich Terrier is one of the smallest of the terriers, of a lovable disposition, not quarrelsome, tremendously active and with a hardy constitution.

A small, low, keen dog, compact and strong with good substance and bone. Honourable scars from fair wear-and-tear should not be penalized unduly.


Wildgoose Norwich Terriers


Comparative Norfolk and Norwich Terrier
Illustrated Breed Standard


We offer a 43 page full colour Comparative Study and Illustrated Breed Standard of Norfolk and Norwich Terriers. This has been done in consultation with many other breeders and judges to clearly de-mystify the very basic written standard of the various kennel clubs. Currently, this is the only comparative study and illustrated standard in the world for these breeds. Without a doubt this is an invaluable reference document for those who choose to educate themselves on Norfolk and Norwich Terriers.


Wildgoose Illustrated Standard


Short Excerpts from the Illustrated Breed Standard and Seminar Illustrations


The illustration above depicts the correctly built, moderately proportioned Norwich Terrier. No illustrated standard can be complete without showing the skeleton to show the overall balance of the breed.


  • A well balanced head that fits nicely onto a neck of medium length, flowing through to a short, strong, level back, with a well set on tail.
  • Ribs are well sprung with the chest dropping to slightly lower than the height of the elbows and elbow action is above the brisket line. Tuck-up is moderate.
  • Hindquarters are strong with body behind the tail and good bend of stifle. The hock joint is low to the ground.


This illustration also shows what is under the skin: 


  • Correct angulation for:
    • Front:
      • 105 degrees at scapula / humerus 
      • The shoulder and upper arm appear equal in length. 
    • Rear: 
      • Pelvis is at 30 degrees to spine. 
      • The correct balance between the length of thigh and second thigh giving a good bend to the stifle.
  • "Static balance" is indicated by the vertical lines front and rear. Note the front line runs from top of the shoulder blades, through the elbows to the back of the foot. In the rear it runs from behind the tail through the front of the leg. A dog that stands outside of these guidelines is an exaggeration and would not be structurally correct for its function.
  • In a breed of moderate proportions, the obvious square created by the artificial lines on the illustration demonstrates the ratio of height (measured from ground to the withers) to length (measured from withers to back of the tail) which should be equal for most standards or back length may be slightly longer for the American Kennel Club.